The return of Nazca LinezAcid Fashion & Silly Putty out now on V

Information about Nazca Linez' identity, intentions, and ideology remains scarce. Even the modern-day oracle Google is stumped, asking, simply, "Did you mean: Nazca Lines?" What we do know about them ( comes from their music. Reminiscent of those classic, benchmark-setting V Recordings rollers, their sound might reference the past, but, equally, it couldn't be more cutting-edge. No wonder these tunes spawn hundreds of desperate ID-hungry social media commentators whenever a clip surfaces.
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The entangled vineyard of metamorphosing bass, supported by those rolling drums are going to make this release a raver favourite. You see, it really doesn't matter who Nazca Linez are. The truth is that their music tells a story all of its own. Joining the dots between the swirling cauldron of ideas that was the mid-nineties DnB scene with a projection of the future, this is music for the heads and for the dancefloor.