Danny Wheeler - Utopia EPOut now on Liquid V

He was part of Bryan Gee’s Movement crew, he collaborated with Makoto on the third volume of ‘Planet V - Drum & Bass’, and most recently dropped his ‘Weekend Rush’ EP with us earlier this year - Danny Wheeler is back on Liquid V.
For the last few years, West London has been moving to a different sound. Sophisticated and soulful, the sound of Danny Wheeler's label W10 has been setting a president for quality liquid. It's no surprise that the 'Utopia' EP is shining with soul.
You can pick up your copy today using this link!
From 'Love Back' through to 'Waves' with Chords, this EP has it all. A truly uplifting body of work that stays true to the Liquid V blueprint, the perfect release to sign off our 2019 with.